Tweet Postal Voter Survey Current Have you voted? Get involved Your details Leave this field blank Have you returned your postal vote? Yes, for Matt and the Conservatives Yes, for Labour Yes, for the Liberal Democrats Yes, for Reform UK Yes, for the Green party Yes, for an independent candidate This question contains special category data relating to your political opinion that may be shared with the wider Conservative Party for the purposes of Democratic Engagement with your permission. Please only answer this question if you consent to the processing of this data and sharing it with Conservative Party in accordance with our Data Protection and Privacy policy. If you do not answer this question then this data will not be shared. To make this survey representative, how did you vote in the 2019 General Election? Conservative Labour Liberal Democrats Brexit Party Didn't Vote This question contains special category data relating to your political opinion that may be shared with the wider Conservative Party for the purposes of Democratic Engagement with your permission. Please only answer this question if you consent to the processing of this data and sharing it with Conservative Party in accordance with our Data Protection and Privacy policy. If you do not answer this question then this data will not be shared.