Low recycling rates at a Teesside council have sparked fresh calls from an MP for more to be done.
Government figures show Stockton Council had the lowest rates in the North-east in 2018/19 - with just 26% of household waste recycled.
Stockton South MP Matt Vickers, who is also still a councillor for Hartburn, raised the performance at the latest overview and scrutiny committee - telling the panel he wanted the problem to be a higher priority.
“It’s a fundamental service - and our record on it isn’t particularly good,” he said.
But council leaders have once again pointed to how the borough’s weekly bin collections hit recycling rates.
Stockton’s low-ranking position in the recycling stakes has been brought up in the past.
Last year, a peer challenge by the Local Government Association (LGA) found the council was “finding it difficult to move the agenda forward” when it came to how much it recycled.
The report added: “It has not made its position clear on what the driver is for this agenda and this could be contributing to a lack of momentum in fulfilling its ambitions.
“Time is being lost and, with that, opportunity, and this risks stacking up difficulty for the council further down the line.”
The probe urged the council to “show political leadership” on recycling and work to find longer-term benefits.
After the scrutiny meeting, Mr Vickers said the current rate was not acceptable.
The Conservative MP added: “I have brought it up several times before and will continue to push for action.
“I want the council to give this issue the attention it deserves, look at other councils and work out where they’re going so very wrong.
“Look at the bins we use, education campaigns - and anything else to ensure Stockton becomes more environmentally friendly and sustainable.”
A detailed examination of collections and recycling services in Stockton was one of more than 30 topics on the table at the latest council scrutiny panel.